In our previous article we informed our readers about John Hanke – Niantic CEO talk about future updates in Pokemon GO. During that talk he hinted how they are working on two two of the most complicated Pokemon in the game Pokemon GO. Majority of the Pokemon from the original 151 and Gen 2 have been released into the wild, but several Legendary Pokemon and oddballs still elude us.
Hanke said that some Pokemon had not yet appeared in the game due to their “Special Moves”. This is as it was with Ditto, who was released only after the pile of purplish/pinkish goo had its primary function figured out.
Ditto appeared in-game code well before it was released in the wild. So if that is any indication, then Delibird and/or Smeargle may be released in near future, as they’re already in-game code.
Delibird is the sort of Pokemon that’s meant for a special event. He’s always associated with winter holidays – more specifically Christmas. It’ll be just about bonkers if Niantic doesn’t take this opportunity to release Delibird in December of 2017. Count on it. Or else we’ll be waiting another full year with egg on our face.
Gen 1 Pokemon not yet released in Pokemon GO:
• Zapados (Team Event, Electric, Yellow, Instinct)
• Articuno (Team Event, Water, Blue, Mystic)
• Moltres (Team Event, Fire, Red, Valor)
• Mewtwo (Anniversary Event, possibly Sponsored Event)
• Mew (Special Event, Time-sensitive, Random Appearance)
Gen 2 Pokemon not yet released in Pokemon GO:
• Raikou (Team Event 2, Electric, Yellow, Instinct)
• Entei (Team Event 2, Fire, Red, Valor)
• Suicune (Team Event 2, Water, Blue, Mystic)
• Lugia (Gen 2 Legendary Bird Event)
• Ho-Oh (Gen 2 Legendary Bird Event)
• Celebi (Mew-like event)
• Delibird (Special Event, Time-sensitive, Christmas)
• Smeargle (Whenever Niantic figures out how to make Smeargle work, Smeargle will be released)
Smeargle has a bit more complicated a set of moves to execute than Delibird. While Delibird is mostly in any Pokemon game for fun and games, Smeargle is serious business with it move “Sketch”
While it might not be CALLED Sketch in Pokemon GO, it’s coming. If it doesn’t end up looking a whole lot like what it looks like in Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon, we’ll just have to sit in the corner and cry. The super amazingly concise video made by Balyen Games above should give you a good idea of how it works.
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